We’re a team

By working as a team and establishing constant dialogue, we’re able to develop the best ideas. For this reason, we work as members of our clients' teams, sharing ideas for improvement, ideas, strategies and above all solutions.

Do more than you think possible, with less than you think necessary.

Alessio Pisa


Chief Executive Officer

He who lives without folly is not as wise as he may think.

Alessia Giovanelli

HR Specialist

Human Resources

Successful plans are those that dodge punches.

Andrea Camolese

Associate Partner

Chief Delivery Officer

Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.

Andrea Innecco

Specialist Consultant

Head of Tracking & Analytics

May you build a ladder to the stars and climb on every rung. And may you stay forever young.

Andrea Ticozzi

Senior Consultant


Involving the team in the goal is fundamental: the result is never for the work of the individual if you work as a team.

Antonio Palladino

Senior Consultant


We love to explore

For us, innovation is not the goal, it is the means by which we achieve - and exceed - the goals we set. When we’re faced with two paths, one we know and one we don’t, we never exclude the latter from the start: we explore it and, if it proves to be the best, we follow it.

The truth is what you are experiencing.

Antonio Quattrocchi


Tracking & Analytics

Wisdom is found in the most unexpected places.

Arianna Agazzi

Senior Consultant

Project Management

Going into the sun that dazzles.

Cecilia Lazzareschi

Specialist Consultant


The only way to do great work is to love what you do.

Chiara Alba

Senior Consultant

Head of Product Design

The key to the game is playing the man, not the cards.

Daniele Carnelli

Specialist Consultant

Head of Performance Marketing

If your dreams do not scare you, they are not big enough

Davide Chiuchiolo



We aim high

We are not easily satisfied, it’s true. But it’s something we are proud of: we design, test, re-do, retouch and, if we don't like what we end up with, we start again in search of better solutions. That’s why we’re constantly learning, sitting next to the other team members and watching what they do. Because listening gives rise to knowledge.

If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail

Diego Conte

Senior Consultant

Head of Project Management

If fate is against us, worse for him.

Elena Urro

HR Recruiter

Human Resources

The world lies in the hands of those that have the courage to dream and who take the risk of living out their dreams

Elisa Del Torto


Social Media Management

Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.

Elizaveta Nikulina


Tech Development

Our values guide us

A curious thing happens in Instilla: new employees often express the feeling of “being in the right place at the right time”. We know why. It’s because of our values: Reliability, Empathy, Collaboration, Innovation, Passion and Endurance, which is what we have in common. It is our attitude that allows us to really work as a team and the great value that clients perceive when they see us.

And they remind us who we are

A group of passionate, faithful, reliable people who think outside of the box. A team that does not stop when the going gets tough and, on the contrary, faces challenges with determination and eyes fixed on the goal.
“Shoot for the moon, even if you miss it you'll land among the stars ".
We are Instilla.

All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them

Federica Emili



even all the scars from your mistakes make up your constellation

Federica Mantovani



There is no passion to be found playing small,in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.

Francesca Nina



In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity

Gaston Paz


Tech Development

The cake is a lie.

Giacomo Micoli


Tech Development

I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it.

Giammarco Gizzi

Senior Consultant


Life is like a mirror: smiles if you look at her smile.

Giovanna Iseppi

Specialist Consultant


Price is what you pay, value is what you get

Giulia Pagnoni

Specialist Consultant

Paid Media

Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.

Isabella Rodighiero


CRM & Marketing Automation

Be realistic, demand the impossible.

Jessica Medici

Specialist Consultant

Social Media Management

Its the not the Destination, It's the journey.

Julien Chiavassa


Chief Operating Officer

What could be more stupid than a train that always follows the same route, the same tracks over and over again?

Laura Casilli

Specialist Consultant


If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain!

Ludovica Fuser



Le proprie forze non si apprendono se non sperimentandole.

Marianna Borella

Senior Consultant


Strive for progress, not perfection.

Mathilde Robelin

Senior Strategist


Two heads are always better than one.

Mauro Rutigliano


Strategy & Client Management

If you don't believe in yourself, who will?

Mirko Ferretto



No story lives unless someone wants to listen.

Mirko Lanzoni

Specialist Consultant

Tech Development

Don't stop until you're proud.

Monica Squizzato

Specialist Consultant

Paid Media

Without data, you are just another person with an opinion.

Nicholas De Cata

Specialist Consultant

Project Management

χαλεπὰ τὰ καλά

Paolo Damiano


Chief Financial Officer

Do more of what makes your soul Happy

Princess Bayot

Office Manager


To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism. To steal from many is research.

Rachele Aresi

Specialist Consultant

Tech Development

Technological skills are the basis of my work, but managing a team, methodology and people has an equal or even greater weight.

Riccardo Biffi


Chief Technology Officer

Be happy, but never satisfied.

Roberta Moretti

Senior Consultant

Head of Communication

To be a champion you have to believe in yourself when nobody else will.

Samila Jayakody

Specialist Consultant

Tech Development

Get busy living or get busy dying.

Seifeddine Bahroun



All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.

Silvia Fiorini


Paid Media

To Infinity and Beyond!

Simone Gambirasio

Marketing & Communication Manager

Marketing & Communication

Don't do anything that someone else can do. Don't undertake a project unless it is manifestly important and nearly impossible.

Stefano Formenton



What is essential is invisible to the eye.

Tina Brancaccio



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